Ana sayfa  Giriş yap Hesabımı sil
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Hit kazan  motorlarına_kayıt 
 Para kazan  Reklam verin  Yayıncı olun Destek hattı Ödeme talebi Duyurular



var isIE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false; var isWin = (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) ? true : false; var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) ? true : false; var sendOmnitureCode = true; /*** Custom Functions ***/ function s_getQueryParameter(s_param) { var regexS = "[?&]"+s_param+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var tmpURL = window.location.href; var results = regex.exec( tmpURL ); if( results == null ) return undefined; else return results[1]; } function removeAjaxAddition(value){ if (value.indexOf("#")>-1){ value=value.substring(0,value.indexOf("#")); } return value; } function s_addSlashes(s_addslash_params) { var result=""; for (var i in s_addslash_params) { if (s_addslash_params[i]=="") break; result+="/"+s_addslash_params[i]; } return result.length>0?result.substring(1):""; } function s_trimString(val,len) { if (val.length > len) { tmp_oversize = val.length - len; return val.substr(0,(val.length/2)-(tmp_oversize/2)-2) + ".." + val.substr((val.length/2)+(tmp_oversize/2)); } return val; } function replaceTurkish(input) { var trChars = "ığüşöçİĞÜŞÖÇ"; var ingChars = "igusocIGUSOC"; var output = ""; var lchar = ""; var i = 0 for( i = 0; i < input.length; i++ ) { lchar = input.charAt(i); if (trChars.indexOf(lchar) >= 0) { output += ingChars.charAt(trChars.indexOf(lchar)); } else { output += lchar; } } return output; } function s_sendErrorInfo(errorDetail) { // This will send a request to Omniture, i.e. extra cost (same as a page view request) var s=s_gi(s_account); s.usePlugins=false; s.dynamicAccountSelection=true; s.dynamicAccountList=s_dynamicAccountList; s.linkTrackVars="prop22,prop21,eVar22"; s.prop21=errorDetail; s.prop22=errorDetail; s.eVar22=errorDetail;,'o','Validation Error'); s.usePlugins=true; s.linkTrackVars=""; s.prop21="" s.prop22="" s.eVar22="" } function ControlVersion() { var version; var axo; var e; // NOTE : new ActiveXObject(strFoo) throws an exception if strFoo isn't in the registry try { // version will be set for 7.X or greater players axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7"); version = axo.GetVariable("$version"); } catch (e) { } if (!version) { try { // version will be set for 6.X players only axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"); // installed player is some revision of 6.0 // GetVariable("$version") crashes for versions 6.0.22 through 6.0.29, // so we have to be careful. // default to the first public version version = "WIN 6,0,21,0"; // throws if AllowScripAccess does not exist (introduced in 6.0r47) axo.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; // safe to call for 6.0r47 or greater version = axo.GetVariable("$version"); } catch (e) { } } if (!version) { try { // version will be set for 4.X or 5.X player axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.3"); version = axo.GetVariable("$version"); } catch (e) { } } if (!version) { try { // version will be set for 3.X player axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.3"); version = "WIN 3,0,18,0"; } catch (e) { } } if (!version) { try { // version will be set for 2.X player axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); version = "WIN 2,0,0,11"; } catch (e) { version = -1; } } return version; } // JavaScript helper required to detect Flash Player PlugIn version information function GetSwfVer(){ // NS/Opera version >= 3 check for Flash plugin in plugin array var flashVer = -1; if (navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0) { if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) { var swVer2 = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ? " 2.0" : ""; var flashDescription = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash" + swVer2].description; var descArray = flashDescription.split(" "); var tempArrayMajor = descArray[2].split("."); var versionMajor = tempArrayMajor[0]; var versionMinor = tempArrayMajor[1]; var versionRevision = descArray[3]; if (versionRevision == "") { versionRevision = descArray[4]; } if (versionRevision[0] == "d") { versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(1); } else if (versionRevision[0] == "r") { versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(1); if (versionRevision.indexOf("d") > 0) { versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(0, versionRevision.indexOf("d")); } } var flashVer = versionMajor + "." + versionMinor + "." + versionRevision; } } // MSN/WebTV 2.6 supports Flash 4 else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.6") != -1) flashVer = 4; // WebTV 2.5 supports Flash 3 else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.5") != -1) flashVer = 3; // older WebTV supports Flash 2 else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv") != -1) flashVer = 2; else if ( isIE && isWin && !isOpera ) { flashVer = ControlVersion(); } return flashVer; } function getSiteName() { var splittedTitle = document.title.split("|"); var siteName = ""; if ($.trim(splittedTitle[splittedTitle.length - 1]) === "Garanti Bankası") { siteName = "PublicTR"; } else { siteName = "PublicEN"; } return siteName; } function getPageName() { var pageName = GT.nova.getFormattedBreadCrumb(); pageName = replaceTurkish(pageName); return pageName; } function getHistory(){ var tmp = $.cookie("history"); if (tmp===undefined || tmp===null) tmp = ""; if ($.trim(tmp)=="") tmp = []; else tmp = tmp.split("|||"); var siteHistory = []; $.each(tmp, function(){ var split = this.split("||"); siteHistory.push({ title: split[0], url: split[1], documenttitle: split[2] }); }); return siteHistory; } function getPcName(){ var kioskPCName=""; try { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (userAgent===undefined || userAgent===null) userAgent = ""; var re = new RegExp("![a-zA-Z0-9]+!"); if (userAgent.match(re)) { kioskPCName = userAgent.match(re)[0]; } else { kioskPCName = ""; } if(kioskPCName.length>0) { kioskPCName = kioskPCName.replace('!', ''); kioskPCName = kioskPCName.replace('!', ''); } } catch(e) { kioskPCName = ""; } return kioskPCName; } function getPreviousPageName() { var previousPageName = ""; currentHostName = document.location.hostname; refererHostName = document.referrer; if (refererHostName !== 'undefined' && refererHostName !== null && refererHostName.indexOf(currentHostName) > 0){ var custHistory = getHistory(); if (custHistory !== 'undefined' && custHistory !== null && custHistory.length >= 2){ previousPageName = custHistory[custHistory.length - 1].documenttitle; if (previousPageName === GT.nova.getFormattedBreadCrumb()){ previousPageName = custHistory[custHistory.length - 2].documenttitle; } } } previousPageName = replaceTurkish(previousPageName); return previousPageName; } function getPartialPageName(siteName, breadCrumbList, numberOfBlocks){ var partialPageName = siteName; if (breadCrumbList !== 'undefined' && breadCrumbList !== null){ if (breadCrumbList.length === 1){ partialPageName += " : "; partialPageName += $.trim(breadCrumbList[0]); } else { for (var j=1 ; j < breadCrumbList.length && j < numberOfBlocks+1; j++) { partialPageName += " : "; partialPageName += $.trim(breadCrumbList[j]); } } } partialPageName = replaceTurkish(partialPageName); return partialPageName; } var omnitureCounter = 0; function SendOmniture(){ if ( !== null && !== undefined) { for(var i = 0; i <; i++) { s_prop34 =[i]; if (i < -1 ){ s_prop34 = s_prop34 + ";"; } } setPrevDefinedOmniVars(); void(s.t()); } else { if (omnitureCounter < 5){ setTimeout("SendOmniture()",250); omnitureCounter++; } else { // Couldn't set the banner ids within timeout, send the request without banner ids setPrevDefinedOmniVars(); void(s.t()); } } } function initOmniVars(){ var k; for(k=1;k<=50;k++){ initOV('prop'+k,""); initOV('eVar'+k,""); } for(k=1;k<=5;k++){ initOV('hier'+k,""); } initOV('pName',""); initOV('events',""); } function initOV(name,defaultVal) { if(typeof(window['s_'+name])!=UNDEFINED) { eval("s_"+name+"=''"); } } /*** End Custom Functions ***/ /*** Constants***/ var UNDEFINED = "undefined"; /*** Constants ***/ function customInit(){ /*** Custom Insights configuration ***/ /* var tmpTitle=document.title; */ if (typeof(s_pName) == UNDEFINED){ s_pName = replaceTurkish(getPageName()); } if (s_trimString(s_pName) === ''){ s_pName = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.indexOf(document.location.hostname)+document.location.hostname.length); } s_prop1="CEE"; // Region s_prop2="Turkey"; // Country /** * */ if (typeof(s_prop3) === UNDEFINED || s_prop3 === ''){ s_prop3=getSiteName(); // website name } var breadCrumbItemList = GT.utilities.getBreadCrumbItems(); if (s_getQueryParameter('faqName') !== undefined){ var splittedTitle = document.title.split("|"); breadCrumbItemList.push($.trim(splittedTitle[0])); } if (typeof(s_prop4) == UNDEFINED){ s_prop4=getPartialPageName(s_prop3,breadCrumbItemList,1); // site section } else{ // If s_prop4 isn't equal undefined, it is initialized in a form application and we must concat it with s_prop3 s_prop4=s_prop3 + " : " + s_prop4; } if (typeof(s_prop5) == UNDEFINED){ s_prop5=replaceTurkish(getPartialPageName(s_prop3,breadCrumbItemList,2)); // global product category } else{ // If s_prop5 isn't equal undefined, it is initialized in a form application and we must concat it with s_prop3 s_prop5=replaceTurkish(s_prop3) + " : " + replaceTurkish(s_prop5); } if (typeof(s_prop6) == UNDEFINED){ s_prop6=getPartialPageName(s_prop3,breadCrumbItemList,3); // local product category } else{ // If s_prop6 isn't equal undefined, it is initialized in a form application and we must concat it with s_prop3 s_prop6=s_prop3 + " : " + s_prop6; } if (typeof(s_prop7) == UNDEFINED){ s_prop7=""; } s_prop8=s_prop3.substring(6); // If site name changes, this should also change if (typeof(s_prop9) == UNDEFINED){ s_prop9= s_prop6 + " : " + s_prop8; } else{ // If s_prop9 isn't equal undefined, it is initialized in a form application and we must concat it with s_prop3 s_prop9=s_prop3 + " : " + s_prop9; } s_prop10=s_trimString(document.location.href,100); if (typeof(s_prop11) !== UNDEFINED ){ if (s_prop11 !== ''){ s_prop11=s_prop3 + " : " + s_prop11; } } if (typeof(s_prop12) !== UNDEFINED){ if (s_prop12 !== ''){ s_prop12=s_prop3 + " : " + s_prop12; } } if (typeof(s_prop19) == UNDEFINED){ s_prop19=typeof(s_prop19)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop19:""; } else{ s_prop19=replaceTurkish(s_prop19); } s_prop24=GetSwfVer(); s_prop30=""; if (s_getQueryParameter('oid') !== undefined){ s_prop30=s_getQueryParameter('oid'); } s_prop32=""; if (s_getQueryParameter('gbid1') !== undefined){ s_prop32=s_getQueryParameter('gbid1') + " : " + s_prop3 + " : " + s_pName; } if (typeof(s_prop33) == UNDEFINED){ s_prop33=typeof(s_prop33)!=UNDEFINED?replaceTurkish(s_prop33):""; } s_prop34=""; // Will be set after the flash is loaded s_prop35=""; if (s_getQueryParameter('gbid2') !== undefined){ s_prop35=s_getQueryParameter('gbid2'); var previousPageName = getPreviousPageName(); if (previousPageName !== "") s_prop35 += " : " + s_prop3 + " : " + previousPageName; } s_prop42=""; if (s_getQueryParameter('faqName') !== undefined){ var splittedTitle = document.title.split("|"); if (splittedTitle.length > 0){ var tempFAQName = splittedTitle[0]; var charIndex = tempFAQName.indexOf(":"); tempFAQName = tempFAQName.substring(0,charIndex) + " " + tempFAQName.substring(charIndex); s_prop42 = s_prop4 + " : " + $.trim(tempFAQName); } } if (typeof(s_prop45) == UNDEFINED){ s_prop45=""; } if (typeof(s_prop45) !== UNDEFINED){ if (s_prop45 !== ""){ s_prop45=s_prop3 + " : " + s_prop45; } } s_prop46=""; s_prop46 = getPcName(); if(s_prop46 == "") s_prop47="No"; else s_prop47="Yes"; s_eVar2=typeof(s_prop2)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop2:""; s_eVar3=typeof(s_prop3)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop3:""; s_eVar4=typeof(s_prop8)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop8:""; s_eVar5=typeof(s_prop4)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop4:""; s_eVar6=typeof(s_prop5)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop5:""; s_eVar7=typeof(s_prop6)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop6:""; s_eVar8=typeof(s_prop19)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop19:""; s_eVar20=typeof(s_prop20)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop20:""; s_eVar21=typeof(s_prop21)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop21:""; s_eVar24=typeof(s_prop24)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop24:""; s_eVar30=typeof(s_prop30)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop30:""; s_eVar33=typeof(s_prop33)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop33:""; s_eVar34=typeof(s_prop34)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop34:""; s_eVar39=typeof(s_prop39)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop39:""; s_eVar41=typeof(s_prop41)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop41:""; s_eVar46=typeof(s_prop46)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop46:s_prop46; s_eVar47=typeof(s_prop47)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop47:s_prop47; /*if(s_productType!=""&&s_productCat!="") s_products=s_productCat+";"+s_productType; */ //s_prop22=typeof(s_prop21)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop21:""; //s_eVar21=typeof(s_prop21)!=UNDEFINED?s_prop21:""; if (typeof(s_pageState)!=UNDEFINED) { switch(s_pageState) { case "page not found": s_pageType="errorPage"; s_pageName=""; break; case "server error": s_pName=s_pName+"[error "+s_errorId+"]"; if (s_errorId == "404") { s_pageType="errorPage"; s_pageName=""; } break; default: } } /*** End Custom Insights configuration ***/ /*** Other Omniture variables ***/ if (typeof(listOfSocialProp3) != UNDEFINED){ //if additional gem_social_tr_forms.js is included in which the above var is defined, // the account will be set to social with the socialAccount&socialProdAccount vars // also defined in this .js file. s_account=socialAccount; s_prodAccount=socialProdAccount; }else{ s_account="gemoneydtr"; s_prodAccount="gemoneystrgaranti"; } s_prodUrls=","; s_testUrls=",,,,localhost"; s_currencyCode="TRY"; s_linkInternalFilters="javascript:,"+s_testUrls+","+s_prodUrls; s_dynamicAccountSelection=true; s_dynamicAccountList=s_prodAccount+"="+s_prodUrls;; /* Site Section */ s_channel= s_prop2 + ":" + s_prop3; // PageName Specific code s_pageName=s_prop3 + " : "; s_pageName+=s_pName; s_pageName=s_trimString(s_pageName, 100); //s_prop9=typeof(s_pageType)!=UNDEFINED?"":s_pageName+"("+s_prop8+")"; /* Hierarchy Variables */ s_hier1=s_addSlashes(new Array(s_prop1,s_prop2,s_prop3,s_prop4,s_prop5,s_prop7,s_pageName)); s_hier2=s_addSlashes(new Array(s_prop1,s_prop2,s_prop3,s_prop5,s_pageName)); s_hier3=s_addSlashes(new Array(s_prop2,s_prop3,s_prop4,s_prop6,s_prop7,s_pageName)); s_hier4=s_pageName; // local hierarchy|net).(in|sg|ph|tr)/)?3:2; //s_visitorNamespace="garanti" s_dc=112 s_trackingServer="" s_trackingServerSecure="" s_vmk="483ED314" } customInit(); /*** End Other Omniture variables ***/ /*** Custom functions ***/ /* Custom Function - Run plugin functions 10.04.2008'de Nicolas'tan gelen kod ile degistirildi*/ function runLocalOmniturePluginFunctions() { s.campaignStackingExpires = 60; //in days s.campaignStackingCount = 5; //number of campaign codes to keep in cache s.campaignStackingCookieName = 's_cs'; //name of cookie that is used s.campaignStackingDelimiter = '>'; s.campaignStackingSuccessEvent = 'event2'; s.campaign=s.getValOnce(removeAjaxAddition(s.getQueryParam('gbid1')),'s_gbid1'); if(typeof(s_eVar1)=="undefined") s.eVar1=removeAjaxAddition(s.getQueryParam('gbid2')); s.eVar9 = s.eVar1 s.eVar10=s.campaignStacking(); if(typeof(s_eVar42)=="undefined") s.eVar42=removeAjaxAddition(s.getQueryParam('gbid1')); if(typeof(s_eVar45)=="undefined") s.eVar45=removeAjaxAddition(s.getQueryParam('gbid3')); /* Form Analysis Config */ // s.formList=""; // s.trackFormList=false; // s.trackPageName=true; // s.useCommerce=true; // s.varUsed="eVar20,prop20"; // s.linkTrackVars="prop3,prop9,prop20,prop22,eVar20"; // s.eventList="event10"; Abandon,Success,Error // s.setupFormAnalysis(); // s.prop31=(typeof(s.prop19)!="undefined"&&s.prop19!=""?s.prop19+" - ":"")+ s.pageName; // s.prop32=(typeof(s.campaign)!="undefined"&&s.campaign!=""?s.campaign+" - ":"")+ s.pageName; // s.prop34=(typeof(s.eVar34)!="undefined"&&s.eVar34!=""?s.eVar34+" - ":"")+ s.pageName; // s.prop35=(typeof(s.eVar1)!="undefined"&&s.eVar1!=""?s.eVar1+" - ":"")+ s.pageName; } /* Custom Function - Instanciate oo Omniture code based on non-oo code or a default value*/ function setOV(name,defaultVal) { if(typeof(window['s_'+name])!=UNDEFINED) { if(typeof(window['s_'+name])=="string") { eval("s."+name+"='"+eval('s_'+name+'.replace(/['"]/g,"")')+"'"); } else { eval("s."+name+"=s_"+name); } } else { if(typeof(defaultVal)=="string") { if(defaultVal!="") { eval("s."+name+"='"+defaultVal.replace(/['"]/g,'')+"'"); } else { eval("s."+name+"=''"); } } else if(typeof(defaultVal)!=UNDEFINED) { eval("s."+name+"="+defaultVal); } } } /* Custom Function - triggers the instanciation of all oo omniture variables */ function setPrevDefinedOmniVars(){ var k; for(k=1;k<=50;k++){ setOV('prop'+k,""); setOV('eVar'+k,""); } for(k=1;k<=5;k++){ setOV('hier'+k,""); } setOV('pageName',""); setOV('channel',""); setOV('products',""); setOV('zip',""); setOV('state',""); setOV('events',""); setOV('currencyCode',"USD"); setOV('trackDownloadLinks',true); setOV('trackExternalLinks',true); setOV('trackInlineStats',true); setOV('linkDownloadFileTypes',"exe,zip,wav,mp3,mov,mpg,avi,wmv,doc,pdf,xls,flv"); setOV('linkLeaveQueryString',true); setOV('linkTrackVars',"None"); setOV('linkTrackEvents',"None"); setOV('purchaseID'); setOV('pageType'); setOV('linkInternalFilters',"javascript:"); setOV('dynamicAccountSelection', true); setOV('dynamicAccountList'); setOV('dynamicAccountMatch'); setOV('visitorNamespace'); setOV('dc'); setOV('trackingServer'); setOV('trackingServerSecure'); setOV('vmk'); setOV('server'); setOV('cookieDomainPeriods'); setOV('charSet','UTF-8'); }